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game - Variable in class Character
Game - Class in <Unnamed>
This class contians the main method.
Game() - Constructor for class Game
Constructor for class Game.
game - Variable in class Game.TimeListener
game - Variable in class Game.TimeListener2
game - Variable in class Level
game - Variable in class LevelPanel
Game.TimeListener - Class in <Unnamed>
Action Listener Class for timer1 slow
Game.TimeListener(Game) - Constructor for class Game.TimeListener
Parameterized Constructor for class timeListerner
Game.TimeListener2 - Class in <Unnamed>
Action Listener Class for timer2 fast
Game.TimeListener2(Game) - Constructor for class Game.TimeListener2
Parameterized Constructor for class timeListerner
Gem - Class in <Unnamed>
Extends Item, represents simple coin pickups
Gem() - Constructor for class Gem
Constructor for the Item.
getCode() - Method in class Level
Getter for level Code
getNumItems() - Method in class Level
Getter for numItems
getPlan() - Method in class Level
Getter for plan
getScore() - Method in class Game
Getter for score
getStatus() - Method in class Game
Getter for status
getTiles() - Method in class Level
Getter for tiles
getTotNumItems() - Method in class Level
Getter for totNumItems
getValue() - Method in class Item
Getter for value
Ghost - Class in <Unnamed>
Ghost(Game, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Ghost
Constructor for Ghost